XIII biennal meeting "daniel dargent" - cutting edge in minimally invasive gyn surgery

XIII biennal meeting "daniel dargent" - cutting edge in minimally invasive gyn surgery, Ecm da 11 crediti a Potenza (Basilicata) per Biologo, Infermiere, Medico chirurgo, Ostetrica

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Descrizione del corso
The meeting is organized with lively and engaging sessions on the most discussed issues in the field of mini-invasive gynecological surgery and medically assisted procreation. Among the main features of the congress, stands out the possibility of being able to learn practical notions in the "how to do" in the most frequent gynecological diseases deserving of minimally invasive treatment, in the diagnostic framework to the most appropriate surgical technique, in the management of the infertile couple, with particular attention to the intra and post-surgical preservation of fertility. Furthermore, the participants will be guaranteed the possibility of a dynamic and constructive exchange of information thanks to the participation of specialists of national and international importance.
Tipologia corso:Corso di aggiornamento
Data:24/05/2018 - 26/05/2018
Azienda/Ente formativo:Euro Medical Service s.r.l.
Luogo di svolgimento:Pianetamaratea
Indirizzo:Contrada Santa Caterina, 50 - 85046 Maratea
Crediti assegnati:11
Durata del corso (in ore):17
Quota di partecipazione:366 €
Responsabile scientifico:Sergio Schettini
Qualifica:Direttore II divisione di ostetricia e ginecologia, ospedale San Carlo (PZ)
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XIII biennal meeting "daniel dargent" - cutting edge in minimally invasive gyn surgery