An international multidisciplinary meeting - non-small-cell-lung cancer under the siege of immunotherapy and translational oncology.....

An international multidisciplinary meeting - non-small-cell-lung cancer under the siege of immunotherapy and translational oncology....., Ecm da 21 crediti a Reggio Calabria (Calabria) per Biologo, Chimico, Farmacista, Infermiere, Medico chirurgo

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Descrizione del corso
Linee guida - protocolli - procedure.
Specifiche evento
Acquisizione competenze tecnico-professionali:Non-small-cell-lung cancer is the most common malignant disease worldwide. Nsclc patients often present concomitant diseases and severe complications which may make difficult both diagnosis and treatment. The prognosis of those patients who cannot undergo radical surgery is poor, with a survival that barely is longer than 12 months. New treatments are continuously entering in the clinical practice of these patients, including small molecules with specific molecular targets and immunotherapy, which are completely changing the way we see and treat these patients with an unexpected very long survival.
Acquisizione competenze di processo:However, the correct use of these innovative treatments, requires the knowledge of molecular biology, antitumor immunology, new diagnostic techniques and pathology. Often their prescription requires multiple and complex interdisciplinary interactions. This meeting highlights the un-renounceable professional needs for a correct diagnosis, care and treatment of these patients at any stage of disease. An international team of scientist and academics will contribute to enhance the skills of people who operate in the management of these patients and in the designs of innovative treatment strategies for advanced disease and to define the mechanisms of action and the rationale behind the most innovative strategies.
Data:02/11/2017 - 04/11/2017
Comune:Reggio Di Calabria
Azienda/Ente formativo:Ble&associates Srl
Luogo di svolgimento:Centro Congressi Le Vele/ Auditorium “Nicola Calipari” Del Consiglio Regionale Della Calabria
Indirizzo:Località Santa Trada Di Cannitello, 89018 Villa S. Giovanni
Crediti assegnati:21
Durata del corso (in ore):21
Quota di partecipazione:350 €
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An international multidisciplinary meeting - non-small-cell-lung cancer under the siege of immunotherapy and translational oncology.....