Descrizione del corso A tutti i partecipanti viene data l’opportunità di parlare in inglese il più possibile, per sviluppare la scioltezza d’espressione orale
Modulo 1: 2 ore
-To be and to have: as main and auxiliary verbs. Articles: the indefinite, definite, and zero in definitions, introductions,
-Reading numbers, mathematical operations/equations, geometric figures . Describing shape, size, material, colour , use, and purpose of objects, tools, instruments, etc.
Modulo 2: 2 ore
-Nouns: singular/plural, regular/irregular, countable/uncountable, collective, pure/derived , compound form ,dual, concrete/abstract. The simple present: to express states, general truths, habits, mathematical concepts.
-Sequencing noun modifiers. Describing position, movement, action and direction of objects in space and time. Writing basic scientific definitions.
Modulo 3: 2 ore
-The future tense: to signal predictions, intentions and anticipation.
-Noun phrases, modifiers and qualifiers. -Adjectives: pure/derived to express shape, colour, quality, property -Adverbs and prepositions of space and movement, manner, time, sequence, means, and instrument.
-Identifying, defining , and describing objects, instruments, devices, etc.
Modulo 4: 2 ore
-Relative pronouns and adverbs in clauses. The imperative mood: to direct and instruct. The simple past and past perfect.
-Expressing time and logical sequencing in the description of a process, cycle, scientific experiment. Stating predictions, probable, hypothetical and theoretical results. Reporting actions, observations and findings.
Modulo 5: 2 ore
-The passive voice: by and the agent, agentless passive or thematic focus in instructions, descriptions of processes, observations and deductions, attenuation. Comparative form: to express equal, different and proportional relations. Superlative form: to express relative and absolute superiority.
-Explaining and suggesting cause, effect and reason. Formulating conditions and hypothetical situations.
Modulo 6
-Epistemic modals: to express mental/physical ability, possibility, probability, remote possibility, permission, necessity, obligation, deduction, suggestion.
-Drawing comparison and contrast, difference and similarity. Expressing direct/indirect correlation.
Modulo 7
-The present perfect: to focus on events and results. -The zero, first and second type conditional: to express real, unreal, predicted, expected implications and results.
-Interpreting graphs and other visual representations. -Accounting for and discussing results.
Modulo 8
-The present perfect: to focus on events and results. -The zero, first and second type conditional: to express real, unreal, predicted, expected implications and results.
-Stating conclusions. -Suggesting further studies. -Attenuating affirmations.
Modulo 9
-Time sequencing, logical connectors, and cohesive devices: to signal cause, effect and results.
Pair and Group work:attività in coppia o in gruppo collegate a specifici obiettivi linguistici comunicativi
Modulo 10
discussioni e simulazioni di situazioni di problem-solving precedentemente preparate con l’insegnante e successivamente corrette insieme a lui/lei
Listening: attività di ascolto guidato di cassette/CD, visione di video/DVD ed altro materiale autentico per sviluppare le tecniche di comprensione orale, seguite dalle correzioni dell’insegnante.
Argomenti del corso: Conversazione, Grammatica e Termini specifici
Tipologia corso: Tirocinio/frequenza con metodiche tutoriali e presso una struttura assistenziale o formativa